Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Bean's new haircut

I thought I would post a couple of (sorry no smiles) pictures of Nina's new bob hair cut! Sorry there are no good smiling pictures-I'll work on that, but you get the idea. She is just the cutest thing ever!

Have I mentioned that I have no CONTROL?!

I have no idea if any of you have experienced this yet, but if you have kids you will soon enough. I have worked diligently to train my tongue NOT to curse around my children and to sensor what is not age little trip to the Lake of the Ozarks and Luca has begun a whole new chapter. The other day after having to get some allergy shots, he got a dumdum sucker to reward his vanlient bravery. After a few lick she turned it around and began puffing on it like a cigarette!!!!! He said he wanted to be like Uncle Tom...WHAT? He is three, UGH! Then, within days, he was coming out of the playroom to get his diaper changed and he tripped on a block. Without missing a beat he stood up and said, "Shit, I tripped on a block, mom, Shit!"

I SO have my work cut out for me, and I am glad that God is in charge here, because I am at a loss! When you have a late talker you get used to control...and it is between the giggles and laughs that I try to hide when he says some of the things he says that I am thankful that I have an observant and wonderful little boy that is keepin' it real for me! So, pray for me to keep a straight face as a tackle this round of, "That is not okay!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Luca is Three

So, my oldest baby just turned three this past Saturday. I absolutely cannot believe how big and amazing my little boy has become. It just does not seem possible. This has been a wonderful ride so far. Luca simply cracks me up with his daily Luca-isms! Everything that comes out of his mouth just cracks me up.
For his birthday we had a fire truck come to visit the birthday boy and had a huge castle bounce house for 17 kids to bounce around in. It was an absolute blast-Luca, however, chose to hang in the background for much of the his own Luca style, because he was way too into his new birthday trucks and toys. It was an overall wonderful day.

The cake on the other another story. Luca has been asking for a choo choo train cake for months (in addition to a puppy)-so I thought, the cake I can do! When my friend Courtney emailed me after the party she referred to me as a "domestic goddess"...I though to myself-more like a raving lunatic, just ask my husband. Nothing like being up until 1:30 in the morning arguing with Vince about just what a caboose looks like! WooHoo..hard to explain those parenting moments until you get there. I went from imagining a 10 car long choochoo train, from scratch yellow cake with homeade butter cream icing, bright colors, all accompanied by the most amazing cupcakes and ice cream cone cakes you can imagine. Well, after two failed attempts at birthday cake and a ton of eggs and time wasted, I settled for box cake...but darn it the buttercream frosting was mine all mine, and I have the stains from each and every color staining everything that I was wearing to prove it!!! I am learning that no matter how well you plan things as a mother, you can never plan for the inevitable kinks that will happen at the last minute. Anyway, it was an awesome day and in the midst of it all Vince and I got to know some freinds and neighbors a lot better and really like the people that God is strategically placing in our lives. It just makes us feel a little more settled and kind of like this place is just a little bit more of a home. All of this is thanks to Luca and his birthday.

Nina and Luca simply amaze me. In fact when I look at them playing (when they do not see me peeking around the corner of the playroom), they literally take my breath away! Some days that happens because I realize how huge the job of being a good parent really is, and on other days it is because God shows me the magic that these beautiful children bring to my life every single day.

Today is a really good day, please enjoy the pics. Talk to you soon.

Choo-Choo Train Galore

Here is the infamous train cake that Luca has been asking for...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Luca at the park wearing his favorite accessory- a scooby doo band aid

The cutest little Nina Bean that you have ever seen!
Luca, Nina, and best friend Elena

Busy Busy Summertime Fun!

Here are the kids at the Farmers Market!

Well, it has been awhile since I have had the time to sit down and write an update. We had our really good friends Elena and baby Anna come and visit us for the weekend (with their mom and dad, of course!) It was a lot of fun. Luca and Elena were so fun to watch... he was even hugging and kissing her by the time they were loading up the car on Sunday.

Then, I packed up the kids and we took a road trip to Saint Louis. It was my first time to travel with the kids alone by car. Once again, my children suprised me so much! We spent our hours napping, singing, eating...and NOT CRYING! It was a wonderful afternoon.

We spent a week with Oma and much of that time was spent at the Lake of the Ozarks. Luca had the time of his life! We could not get him out of the Lake-and he even swam by himself about twelve feet from Oma to the ladder, which he was obsessed with. He climbed up and down, floated in his little boat floatie and just chilled with Oma.
This was his first year to be allowed to stay up late enough to watch the fireworks. One of the big regrets of my trip (and as a mom) was not having the camera to take a picture of Luca's face while he was watching the fireworks shoot off! He was just miles of smiles, and as soon as one firework would end he would say, "I want another one, mommy!"

I can honestly say, that I did not see hardly any of the show, I was too busy falling in love what a wonderful and amazing boy my son is becoming. It was the best fireworks show I will probably ever see!

Nina was just as cute as ever. She even got her first haircut by Oma while we were at the lake. She has this crazy hair that is so hot on her neck in the off it came...and in its place the CUTEST bob ever! She just looks so much older and spunkier if that is possible.

Anyway, life is good and enjoy the pics...sorry there are a lot of them.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

3 M & M's

We made several attempts to get the kids to sing and sign twinkle twinkle and had no luck before Nina crashed for the night, but it seems that Luca thinks that 3 M & M's is a jackpot worth working for. This one is for Oma.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


See, I told you all that it would take me awhile to get into this blog thing! We are not pregnant YET...we are going to start trying very soon, but as of yet we are still a family of four. We are very ready to have number three...but we would like to actually plan one pregnancy, so we are going to wait a little bit longer. But, lately every time I look at the kids playing I start imagining what number three would be like in the mix. I obviously misrepresented myself. Sorry to disappoint, but we really can't wait to expand, so to speak! I guess when I knock off a little bit more of this weight we are ready!

On a lighter note. For anyone that has toddlers, Nina cracks me up. Tonight we were sitting on the front porch and the kids were eating chocolate covered bananas for dessert. As I passed by the chocolate covered bananas two days ago in Trader Joes, I thought, that is healthier than a Popsicle and it doesn't seem very messy...PERFECT SUMMERTIME TREAT! Haha, I will be cleaning up chocolate off of the front porch, Nina's baby doll, all of our clothes and out of her hair for weeks! Vince and I could not stop laughing at just how little control you have over the little ones. It took every ounce of focus for me to not start spraying everything down and cleaning up while we were playing outside. So, we just let her have a blast making a mess of everything. Hope you enjoy the pics and can take time out to enjoy the messes that life sends our way. I am off to clean up some chocolate before we become infested with ants!

On a side note, check out her keen fashion sense...I had to take her to the grocery store like that! She is totally into dressing herself...I am in for trouble!!!
These are our kiddos...just kickin' it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Okay, okay...I am going to do this

After much deliberation and complete confusion concerning all of this "blog" stuff, I have decided that my kids are way too cute not to start a blog. We are far away from family and friends, and life with two toddlers is just plain too funny not to share with you all. So, I have charged up my camera and dusted up on my typing skills! Get ready for more Nina and Luca that you could ever want. I am going to post a few recent pics of the kids. Right now Nina is suffering from hand-foot-mouth disease, it is a nasty little virus that she got while splashing around at our neighborhood pool. Poor sista', she is just miserable right now and I hate seeing her cry. Basically my first post is going to be pretty simple. I have to ease myself into the habit! I would like you to see how cute (and big!) my kids are getting. Everytime I look at them I cannot believe that we are going to do this all over again in the next few months. Do you think there is enough room in Carmel, IN for three wild and crazy Lombardo? Let's hope so!